if only i can have one where it activate the crash like a switch to only the questies.
I've spent a large portion of my day separating them from the random stuff I got off Ripperstore and categorizing a couple things, I also went through some archives of things I got off to the side and included them too, a majority aren't categorized though and some may not actually be crashers and this is because I only looked at them in AssetViewer because it would have taken too long to upload and test each, only thing I can tell you for sure is a majority of them definitely are crashers, these are vrcas only, so for most you need to know how to either rip the assets, or hotswap, both the Mega link and the Mediafire link have the exact same content, it's just in case I take one or the other down at some point, but yeah, here's everything I could scour up on my PC that I was willing to share public, there's at least 100+ avatars here, there's a select few for Quest too, not many though (About 2.67GB worth of crashers) if you need help with anything you can let me know -
if only i can have one where it activate the crash like a switch to only the questies.
@cloakanddagger I can actually make that pretty easily
@cloakanddagger I can actually make that pretty easily
@FLASHCAT255 I can't wait to see to the quest kids scramble
@FLASHCAT255 Thanks man really appreciate it. just downloaded them. I hope your pillow staying cold on both sides.
@FLASHCAT255 Thanks man really appreciate it. just downloaded them. I hope your pillow staying cold on both sides.
@detailz Have fun with them
@FLASHCAT255 I can't wait to see to the quest kids scramble
@cloakanddagger It's pretty funny to watch
the asset crasher i think be far the most powerful
@cloakanddagger It's pretty funny to watch
@FLASHCAT255 got any dual crashers? ones that won't crash crash yourself too? lol
the asset crasher i think be far the most powerful
@cloakanddagger Corrupted AssetBundles are the most effective, a lot of them don't pass security checks now though and just become error robots
@FLASHCAT255 got any dual crashers? ones that won't crash crash yourself too? lol
@Femboy Depends on what type you mean specifically
@Femboy Depends on what type you mean specifically
@FLASHCAT255 crashers that can crash both PC and quest user safely without risk of crashing yourself
@FLASHCAT255 crashers that can crash both PC and quest user safely without risk of crashing yourself
@Femboy If you had a Corrupted Assetbundle for PC and Quest, technically I could show you how to prevent it loading in on the client-side from cache. Doesn't need mods or anything, that's like the most effective way to crash people since it only requires base avatar shown and nothing else
@Femboy If you had a Corrupted Assetbundle for PC and Quest, technically I could show you how to prevent it loading in on the client-side from cache. Doesn't need mods or anything, that's like the most effective way to crash people since it only requires base avatar shown and nothing else
@FLASHCAT255 that to i need help with
@Femboy If you had a Corrupted Assetbundle for PC and Quest, technically I could show you how to prevent it loading in on the client-side from cache. Doesn't need mods or anything, that's like the most effective way to crash people since it only requires base avatar shown and nothing else
@FLASHCAT255 i'd be down. but how exactly would i get that?
@FLASHCAT255 i'd be down. but how exactly would i get that?
@Femboy There's some floating around in the right places on Discord, I know of at least two servers where you could get them, one charges a $10 admission fee to most people the owner didn't invite personally (But I believe that comes with access to all channels even though it's a pretty small server) but he posts all the ones he makes in a couple discord channels in there from time to time, the other server sells crashers individually (There's bundle options too) but you'd probably end up paying more there if all you need at the moment is a corrupted AssetBundle, you could always add me on Discord and I could give you invites to them if you were interested
@FLASHCAT255 that to i need help with
@cloakanddagger You could probably also add me too, that's a really easy thing to do and I could probably show you with a few screenshots
(P.S, give my post with the archives of the crashers on Mega and Mediafire some upvotes if you wouldn't mind to anyone who sees this)
@Femboy There's some floating around in the right places on Discord, I know of at least two servers where you could get them, one charges a $10 admission fee to most people the owner didn't invite personally (But I believe that comes with access to all channels even though it's a pretty small server) but he posts all the ones he makes in a couple discord channels in there from time to time, the other server sells crashers individually (There's bundle options too) but you'd probably end up paying more there if all you need at the moment is a corrupted AssetBundle, you could always add me on Discord and I could give you invites to them if you were interested
@FLASHCAT255 ah yeah i don't feel like paying just to crash people lol. anyway to create one myself or nah?
@FLASHCAT255 ah yeah i don't feel like paying just to crash people lol. anyway to create one myself or nah?
@Femboy You can make corrupted AssetBundles with either UABE or UABEA (UABE doesn't support Unity 2022 AssetBundles) but it might not be too simple to figure out how to make one that passes security checks though, I can tell you for sure it can be done with a vrca that's less than 5 kilobytes still though because I have one that does it and seems to be consisted of only an empty gameobject, your best bet at checking if an avatar will pass security checks is putting the vrca through AssetRipper and seeing if any errors come up in it's console window or not