LF: Cryptia Curves, Sherie, SkyThePony, And More
Looking for:
The Christmas textures for the original Cally3d/Cryptiacurves models (namely Marie Bonfie and Fexa) https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1132495078775070850/1175509124595843212/image0.png?ex=656b7d2f&is=6559082f&hm=64654892df0d4e34f6124891eb2b2b8f052b3f30dd9d0dc81c5b4f2369506241&=&width=281&height=625 https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1Sc0J9hQ8pA/maxresdefault.jpg
Details on the dragon part of Thine's Dragoyeen Victoria, applicably including the dragon https://vrmodels.store/avatars/24490-thighyeenid.html (have the Hyenid, have Victoria)
Succubus Marie FNC
Ji-a by Sherie
Miss Fortune Fexa NS FNC
Pumpkin Cat PC .unitypackage
Reisen Udongein Inaba (purple haired TouHou shooter bunnygirl) .unitypackage
Nika Shark (Popular furry/scalie character) .unitypackage
Willing to trade based on your Wants, too many Haves to make a suitable list. Free to DM so long as context -
+Bump Cryptimoo (Blake?)