LF: this sword by bream
Lioness Greatsword [VRChat Asset/Weapon/Animations/Particles]
YOU MUST HAVE A BASIC UNDERSTANDING OF UNITY AND AVATARS TO USE THIS ASSET PROPERLY. PLEASE DO NOT MESSAGE ME TO COMPLAIN THAT IT IS TOO DIFFICULT TO ADD TO YOUR AVATAR.If you would like to purchase a completed avatar with this asset already installed, please check out AsadahWeapon and Combat Effects!Greatsword designed and modeled completely from scratch by Bream basic swing, Ground Smash, and Inferno SlashIntuitive controlling system, very cinematic. Great for making movies and roleplayingHow to Install:Drop the Lioness_Greatsword unity package into your existing avatar projectNavigate to the Sword Package folder in UnityDrop the prefab into the avatar hierarchyRight-click and unpack the prefab, and drag the three "PutMeOn_" objects under their respective parts of your avatarDrag all remaining objects under the prefab onto your main avatar objectUse the Avatar 3.0 Manager to merge the FX layer, Avatar Parameters, and add the Sword Menu as a submenu of your avatar's 3.0 menu. You can also do this manually if you know what you are doing. (I don't know why you would)Upload!CreditsScreenspace Ubershader by LeviantPromo Art 1 and 2 by Uglysaya and WeeboTerms of Use:Do not redistribute this asset, edited or in its original form.Do not claim this asset as your own.You may use this asset on private or commercial avatars, provided you give proper credit. Please link back to my Gumroad on your store page.You are encouraged to use this asset for streaming and content creation, as long as you credit/promote the avatar and link to this page.If you wish to contact me for assistance, questions, or inquiries, hit up my Discord!DiscordPromo Art #1 by uglysayaPromo Art #2 by Weebo
Gumroad (breamvr.gumroad.com)
I have this file if u want it
I have this file if u want it
@CadetWitch Can I have the file?
Sure Dm me your Email so i can send it you
Sure Dm me your Email so i can send it you
@CadetWitch y not upload it to something so that people can download it without giving u their email