looking for these rindo clothings:
Looking for these rindo accessories
【11アバター対応】 BLACK&WHITE_Uniform - Chocolate rice - BOOTH
📌【12アバター対応】 Sio / Shinra / Moe / Kikyo / Selestia / Lime / Mamehinata / Lapwing / Velle / Maya / Rindo / Manuka マヌカ対応予定 📌【Mesh configuration】 -Jacket -Boots -Accessory beret choker garter belt hand chain_R, L knee socks_R, L -Dress Top belt Skirt_1 Skirt_2 Cross Chain Chain
BLACK&WHITE Uniform fullset : https://workupload.com/file/J8vpF9wKDYD
BLACK&WHITE Uniform fullset : https://workupload.com/file/J8vpF9wKDYD
@boofbug thanks
BLACK&WHITE Uniform fullset : https://workupload.com/file/J8vpF9wKDYD
@boofbug sorry but i didn't found the rindo version on the folder
@boofbug sorry but i didn't found the rindo version on the folder
Yeah I just checked the file that's weird there's no Rindo my apologies it was listed as the fullset. -
@BLACK0NYX thank you