LF: Rose by ScarlettKat [Avatar 3.0]
Somebody have clean latest package with this avatar? Not from VRModels? (On VRModels is ripped version from VRC with a lot of errors and need big amount of fixing to make this avatar working), creator make a lot of stomach bulge options combined with all outfits etc, and this avi is a little bit unique, but looks like all gumroad avis. Thank you so much.
I bought her. Would you like to make a trade?
Somebody have clean latest package with this avatar? Not from VRModels? (On VRModels is ripped version from VRC with a lot of errors and need big amount of fixing to make this avatar working), creator make a lot of stomach bulge options combined with all outfits etc, and this avi is a little bit unique, but looks like all gumroad avis. Thank you so much.
@LooseCannon Thank you sooooo much brooo :333333 You make my day
I bought her. Would you like to make a trade?
dang, down voted just because I asked to trade an avi I bought myself? Shame. If anyone actually wants the up to date version of Rose dm me I guess. -1 can’t post links. Smh
A kind soul upvoted me on another post so here’s the up to date version of Rose
I bought her. Would you like to make a trade?
@Clown Don't look at me, i never down vote anyone if he can't help me or ask for trade.
@Clown Don't look at me, i never down vote anyone if he can't help me or ask for trade.
@Kwiatek146 Did you create the avatar pretty easily cause it wouldn’t work for me did you import sdk 3 cause I didn’t do that but that might be why it isn’t working for me