LF: This avatar model or assets (Dont know the name)
Well that solves the base question! It isn't a Selestia but a very custom Kikyo. Could be a pre-made facial animation set on booth. Good research there
Unfortunate that they don't have a twitter linked. I noticed that it was a free/public avi! Did you happen to download it? If you can inspect the vrca file you can find the names of the meshes~
@bluebunny I did check my old files to see if I may of downloaded it. There are 2 possible options but not sure which one could be it - or both could just be different avatars completely, its hard to tell lol but either way they are vrca files so they havent been extracted. I tried downloading SARS to extract it but couldn't get it working. Do you know anyone that could do it for me?
@Sherbetchan I could definitely take a look for you! If you want to DM me a link to the vrca or comment here I'd be happy to take a peek.
@bluebunny Oh awesome that does look like exactly it! So they must of edited that model or something like that? Sure I can dm the vrca link for you!