Looking For: Coin Flip VRCHAT/SDK3
Looking for this little coin! If you can find it, let me know. Thank you in advance~!
Coin Flip (VRCHAT + Quest)
Please rate this item if you buy it, this will vastly help me out by getting seen more, and will help fund more cool items like this one!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Alternate purchase on Jinxxy (has paypal):Jinxxy AlternateTry out the asset for free on my public avatar found in my world hereAvatar WorldA perfect fidget toy Made to fit any VRChat avatar, incredibly addicting to flick around in your hands.Or maybe you just want to decide something based on a random 50/50 chance.Flick it into the air and catch it with either hand mid flight.The Coin while tossed in the air is constrained to the world, so you actually have to catch it for real.Be the light of the party by showing off your cool coin tricks! With satisfying sound effects as well.Done playing with the coin? literally just throw it away and it will also toggle itself off.Every time you flick the coin, it will randomly land on either heads or tails.A toggle allows you to not make the coin follow your hand so you cannot miss the toss.Product Details: You get the full working Coin flip made to fit any VRChat avatar. Easy to understand install guide made for for ease of installation with minimal unity knowledge. Additional VRCfury install option, as well as manual install option, both covered in the guide. Flick upwards with thumbs up and have it land randomly on heads or tails. Catch it mid air with either hand. Miss the toss and see it fall to the ground. Flick it away to toggle it off. Flick between fingers in a fast satisfying motion. Entirely usable on desktop. Sound toggle, to turn off sounds. A toggle that makes you unable to miss the coin toss. Drop in world. Takes up 7 parameter memory. Several premade coin textures to choose from. You get the substance painter file for enhanced customization. Fully SYNCED, all players will see the same thing at all times. Works with both write defaults ON and OFF. DEPENDENCIES:To use it on Quest, you must update to the newest 2022 Unity SDKVRChat Creator Companion (VCC)You must use one of the newer VRC SDK's which can only be downloaded through VCC, otherwise you are more than likely to encounter issues.Poyiomi Toon Shader(recommended 8 or newer)Avatar 3.0 Manager(can be installed through VCC directly (used for manual installation))OPTIONAL:VRCFuryFury can be used as an alternative install methodTerms:🟢 YOU CAN: Use the asset for personal use and projects, modify and edit it as you see fit. Use it for a commercial avatar IF you bought the commercial option (also credit directly to this page) Stream/make video content with the asset, credit is not needed, but greatly appreciated. Make public avatars with the asset. Commission/take commissions for putting the asset on an avatar (provided BOTH parties own the asset) 🔴 YOU CANNOT: Share any of the files to anyone who does not own the asset. Include the files on a purchasable/free avatar. (unless you bought the commercial option) Complain that the asset broke your project, I always recommend you make backups before importing new things. Contact:Discord ServerI recommend you try my discord server if you have issues, I got an FAQ of common issues posted thereDiscord name: LiindyTwitterFeel free to give me a follow :)Credits:3D Coin model commissioned from: https://yergoddamnright.gumroad.com/Check out his stuff!Thanks for reading all the way down here!
Gumroad (liindy.gumroad.com)
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Bump for the updated version of it with vrcfury
Sadly i can't help as i found it somewhere, hope it gets found soon though, i was too lazy to figure the original one out.
prayers answered. tho im having issues with it. im using a Rex and quest prefab https://mega.nz/folder/8b8XwZaA#mRbKN7pgyWxXlgWXHI8kvw
if someone can fix it. please let me know. dont talk to liindy XD