LF< Any and all Udon button Systems + Grabble doors
Here a few I found I need but I'm open for more
Impressive Buttons for VRChat Worlds
Some great physical, reliable, highly customizable buttons for your VRChat worlds!This package will give you everything you need to add great buttons to your mirrors, doors, games, and whatever else you can think of!Included are many preconfigured buttons and scripts that will get all your basics set up in less than 10 minutes.When you are ready to make more complex things, the programming has been made exceptionally simple, making it possible for just about anyone to create cool things!Some of the carefully crafted features:- Easy to use- Lots of settings- Fast and lightweight- Many prefabs, scripts, sounds, and examples to help you get startedYouTube DemoGetting StartedRequirementsA VRChat Creator Companion Unity 2022 World ProjectYouTube TutorialExamplesInside the package are plenty of examples for you to look at and play around with.This includes completely set up prefabs, as well as various different example scripts for the buttons to talk to.Feel free to dig around in the prefabs and scripts to learn how they work, and make your own!Button Settings- `sendOnPressEventTo`: A list of all script components that should run _OnPress() and _OnPress_'name'() when the button is pressed- `enableClassicInteractInVR`: If VRChat's classic Interact system should be enabled in VR mode- `onPressSound`: Sound when pressed- `onDepressSound`: Sound when depressed- `buttonTop`: An empty gameobject at highest point of the button, should be the parent of the slider- `buttonSlider`: The moving part of the button. Needs a collider- `buttonTopHighPoint`: The highest point for the button top- `buttonTopLowPoint`: The bottom-out height for the button top- `buttonSpeed`: Button movement speed- `masterOnly`: If the button should only be accessible to the world master- `feetPressing`: If players should be able to press buttons with their feetSupportIf you are experiencing any problems or have trouble getting something to work, feel free to reach out to me and I will try to get back to you as soon as possible!LicenseThis is a paid package, be sure to read the included license terms before you get started!
Gumroad (markcreator.gumroad.com)