LF: Dark Skin Minase Texture + Assets
Hello! I really want this dark skin texture for Minase but I can't find it anywhere. I don't have a link to the specific booth because I cannot find it but here is another link that displays the color I'm searching for:
【3Dモデル】 Fusion Sukajan (for minase) version: 1.3 - DIMGRAY - BOOTH
Fusion Sukajan (for minase) version : (new)1.3 *AvatarToolsが可能に修正完了。 Shader : Poi_Toon_7.3.50_and_8.0.426 SDK : VRCSDK3 -For Minase (Minase_v1.1.6) 【ライセンス契約条件】 このモデルを購入した時点から、お客様は本契約条件に同意したものとみなされます。 利用約款の内容を変更することができ、最新の内容が優先されます。 **このモデルを使用するには、UnityおよびVRChatに関する知識が必要です。
(I already own this outfit so no need to link it, I'm just using this as reference)
If anyone could provide this texture I would be really grateful!I am also searching for the shirt & pants from this booth, it seems to only include the accessories, but I would really love the clothing (for Minase, not Kikyo), I would be incredibly grateful if someone could send me these clothes!
Gothic pair Accessory PB - もちもちしょっぷ - BOOTH
◆参考動画◆ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9UCKx566I4s ◆概要◆ 毎度のお知らせで恐縮ですが、注意事項をお読みになってからご購入検討をお願いいたします。 PBのゴシックなアクセサリーセットです。 桔梗、水瀬をベースサイズとして、ゴシックにもメルヘンにも使えるように作成しました。 ALL版をご購入された方は、桔梗or水瀬サイズどちらかを一名に限りプレゼントすることが可能です。 Materialはライティングの関係で桔梗と水瀬で分かれています。 ◆内容物◆ Material *Belt_BK *Belt_WH *Far_WH *Far_BK
I would also love any other textures for Minase (specifically tattoos) if anyone has anything like that.
Other clothing is also super appreciated as I am really interested in doing edits of this model~Thank you so much for taking the time to read my post.
I really appreciate everyone here -
I have that
I have that
Would you share it please? -
so uh.. anyone have it?