LF: Fluffy mane for wickerbeast
FluffyMane for Wickerbeast READ DESCRIPTION!!!!!
Just a quick reminder then some other notes to take into account. This does NOT WORK with the original wickerbeast due to it not having blendshapes to remove the fur!You will need to either update to the Ultimate Wickerbeast(Jin A Discord), Bapper Ultimate(Gumroad), Thiccerbeast V2(Jin A Discord), or the Bapperbeast V2.1(Jin A Discord) Or remove the fur manually in blender!Jin A's DiscordBapperbeast Ultimate LinkPlease also note that when putting this on your avatar, DO NOT MOVE the "CFluffRoot" and "HFluffRoot" out of their respective places in the armature, it will break physbones.Lastly a very important reminder to ENJOY THE FLOOF, thank you for reading and I hope you have lots of fun!Credits:Gallant:TwitterPaddy:TwitterPuppyGoesWoof:TwitterTwitchPiplo:TwitterSlushyOtter:TwitterTiktok
Gumroad (lunararray.gumroad.com)
@xzi I'm willing to trade! Send me a dm!
please post it here or dm me if you end up doing the trade
I understand trading but please just let it be a 1 for 1 -