LF Avali Flight System and Jackal Seat System!
Avali Flight System for VRChat Worlds [SDK3] - Reimajo - BOOTH
This feature enables users with Avali avatars (or any avatars that you specify in the script, the asset comes with a list of common Avali avatars + some other bird avatars as an example) in your VRChat SDK3 world to fly by flapping with their wings (VR users) as well as support for desktop users to
Anyone has these, that'd be amazing! Thanks!
If anyone at least helped me get the Avali System, that'd be AMAZING
Oh I do have the Seat System now thanks to the other person looking for it, just need the Avali System
@Umbreonic is it avatar based/unity package or is it world based udon?
@WolfyDirefang as far as I'm aware, both AvaliFlight and OpenFlight are only available as world packages. Individual avatar flight can be done through gogoloco(free)