LF : - Manuka Cloths - ↻ Continuously updating! ↺
Here's 132. Eterno !
DL -
EDIT: I don't have the files anymore
Uploaded the files of all fishnet outfits I have for it to dropmefiles.com/lYBe2. Link is up for 7 days. I'll make a new upload then if needed
Bump for #112
Thanks, you're a legend as always. -
114 bunny girl Fullset found by @liliththatcat
@UUUUU Link up again. Had problems with my ISP and config.
Adding this to the search! -
https://booth.pm/en/items/5240018 -
Galaxy Dream [ギャラクシードリーム] - ふぉいショップ - BOOTH
萌、マヌカ、舞夜、桔梗、ライム、セレスティア対応3D衣装モデル For Moe, Manuka, Maya, Kikyo, Lime, Selestia 모에, 마누카, 마야, 키쿄, 라임, 셀레스티아 대응 3D의상 모델 ギャラクシードリーム Galaxy Dream ▼Polygon Vertices : 14,530 Edges : 28,342 Faces : 13,861 Triangles : 27,428 -各アバターの胸シェイプキー対応済み -각 아바타의 가슴 쉐이프키 대응 완료 3Dモデリング・テクスチャー 3D모델링, 텍스쳐 ・ふぉいぶ