LF:AvatarBasicTool - ABT ✔
AvatarBasicTool|10種以上の便利機能や姿勢変更など - CHILD WITCH / チャイルドウィッチ - BOOTH
【お知らせ】 必ず2.1.6以降にアップデートしてください。VRCアプデ以降、旧バージョンでは、特定の条件下で大きなキューブが丸見えになるようです。
Password for the free download is "infomationandcredit"
is it same with old one?
@Lo0nGravy said in LF:AvatarBasicTool - ABT
@Lo0nGravy thank you for keep updating
Does anyone know how to change the Menus and toggles to English?
@Miller30004 on the booth page if you scroll down a bit there's a englishmenu.zip package you can download for free and import to unity to auto translate to english
Is the oldest have the same toggles with "CONVIENENT COLLECTION" or is it different? i only want the object light only
@Yuuuuwyyyy sadly object light isnt inside ABT, i miss it