LF: Snao Pheromosa by Dotolie (NSFW Avatar) (Found)
its in those Mediafire links I sent, that's how the files were given to me by the Ripper store. I can't really give a unity package since I am not an expert on these types of things. Maybe somebody will be nice enough to just do that process for us but for now, I can only give the files as is.
@The_Doc71 i have one gardevoir maybe You interesting, i send You friend request, My name is sibas
its in those Mediafire links I sent, that's how the files were given to me by the Ripper store. I can't really give a unity package since I am not an expert on these types of things. Maybe somebody will be nice enough to just do that process for us but for now, I can only give the files as is.
@The_Doc71 would you accept the Bom39 Gardenun for exchange?
@AN0N VRCA file is missing same with the .Monoscript folder...you can't build the avatar without those
@ArcyIrons The .vrca file is what they used to make the folders they sent. And the .monoscript folder is the ".Script" folder you see in the content they provided. But you are correct. The .vrca is still necessary to copy components from, and should be included.
I can't believe i made It work without the vrca file...sadly It doesn't have animations or poses since the scripts can only be transfered by vrca file
sorry dude, I don't have the .vrca file, I think its still possible to see the animations if you place the fx that already comes with the file into the controller. But I apologies that I didn't have the vrc file on hand. -
i got it assembled...most of it working at 90%
stuff missing
-Tongue physbones (if applied the tongue when turned off it clips a skinny and wavy line out of her mouth)
-gogo Loco broken (i just dumped the base Playable Layer and swapped to Default Locomotion)
-steam effect toggle missing
if anyone knows how to fix these issues i'm sure we can make it work fully and properly. -
i got it assembled...most of it working at 90%
stuff missing
-Tongue physbones (if applied the tongue when turned off it clips a skinny and wavy line out of her mouth)
-gogo Loco broken (i just dumped the base Playable Layer and swapped to Default Locomotion)
-steam effect toggle missing
if anyone knows how to fix these issues i'm sure we can make it work fully and properly.@ArcyIrons god speed friend.
i got it assembled...most of it working at 90%
stuff missing
-Tongue physbones (if applied the tongue when turned off it clips a skinny and wavy line out of her mouth)
-gogo Loco broken (i just dumped the base Playable Layer and swapped to Default Locomotion)
-steam effect toggle missing
if anyone knows how to fix these issues i'm sure we can make it work fully and properly.@ArcyIrons
If it helps, I got a gogo loco file on me so you could replace the broken one
also, isn't the tongue a skinned mesh render? If I remember correctly you can just use the skinned mesh render to increase the size of the tongue to a size that is so small that you can't see it even when the mouth is open.
But I ain't no expert on it so-
here is the link to the gogo loco package
https://www.mediafire.com/file/fuui71gtlfil2ob/VRCFury_GogoLoco.unitypackage/file -
i got it assembled...most of it working at 90%
stuff missing
-Tongue physbones (if applied the tongue when turned off it clips a skinny and wavy line out of her mouth)
-gogo Loco broken (i just dumped the base Playable Layer and swapped to Default Locomotion)
-steam effect toggle missing
if anyone knows how to fix these issues i'm sure we can make it work fully and properly.@ArcyIrons Currently messing with the models and as of now it seems that an easy solution to turn on the steam effect is by turning the "Breath Smoke" part and turning it from invisible to visible
If anyone gets a vrca file or an explanation on how to create it let me now