LF: Snao Pheromosa by Dotolie (NSFW Avatar) (Found)
Hi, looking for this avatar, thanks in advance.
Found by donkeykon3: https://mega.nz/file/YBQAnRBJ#gted437zfEqrfQLs-4Bv1_mYlo0TvwQhDKg183n1ZMw -
I think I got it correctly, enjoy the models dude!
https://www.mediafire.com/file/9luvu0l7xo6fywe/converter-pc-Snao_Stylize.zip/file -
its in those Mediafire links I sent, that's how the files were given to me by the Ripper store. I can't really give a unity package since I am not an expert on these types of things. Maybe somebody will be nice enough to just do that process for us but for now, I can only give the files as is.
@The_Doc71 i have one gardevoir maybe You interesting, i send You friend request, My name is sibas
its in those Mediafire links I sent, that's how the files were given to me by the Ripper store. I can't really give a unity package since I am not an expert on these types of things. Maybe somebody will be nice enough to just do that process for us but for now, I can only give the files as is.
@The_Doc71 would you accept the Bom39 Gardenun for exchange?