BOOTH Asset Dump (Mostly for Selestia atm)
Hiya, I thought I might share some of the assets I've gotten from Booth so far. The files I've uploaded I redownloaded off booth in case of any author changes or updates. Please note, I probably will not update these assets since it might get too much to keep up with as my library in general grows
I decided to use mega to use for my asset dump and for the link. I think it might be more convenient to have the option to pick a specific file within the folders, rather than needing to download the entire dump. Just in case if you're just wanting one of the assets.
The purpose of this folder is to merely share what I have so far, like everyone else is doing. I do apologise if my collection might be a bit small at the moment and if some assets I own might of already been published. I've tried my best to make sure to separate assets meant for only one specific model in their own folder to prevent confusion
For booth items where you have the option of buying a full multipack or for a specific model. Please keep in mind to clarify, I will not bother buying the full pack if asked. It's kinda a waste of my resources, and I might not be interested in doing so for booth models I'm may not be interested in having unless otherwise. Apologise for the inconvenience.
I haven't decided yet to include an avatar folder, as I usually share avatars via other threads. Furthermore, I'll only do it if it is recommended since I don't want to bug people with too many pings or separate threads
I hope my assets dump may be of some used to you & hope you enjoy it. Please let me know if there are any issues with the link & have a good day folks
Mega - LizEllie's BOOTH Asset Dump
Please refer to the listed Booth links below as a visual guide to know what specific assets are in these folders
+1 for Hallowitch