LF Grus outfits (7/11)
@Awai No problemo, I have another grus outfit that isnt on this list it it was shared here before but the dl is down. Should I share it here to?
here's a photo
@Awai No problemo, I have another grus outfit that isnt on this list it it was shared here before but the dl is down. Should I share it here to?
here's a photo
@Awai ahh okay, oh and to do that just go up to the post you made up top and near the bottom where the last picture you added there should be three dots on the side if you hover your mouse over or if your on phone I think it should be visible? but you can click on it and it will show edit post or something among those words and if you click that you can edit the post.
@Awai ahh okay, oh and to do that just go up to the post you made up top and near the bottom where the last picture you added there should be three dots on the side if you hover your mouse over or if your on phone I think it should be visible? but you can click on it and it will show edit post or something among those words and if you click that you can edit the post.
@Awai May have gotten more for you haha.
4,6,7,8,9 Sheer open minidress, Checkmate dress, Skull&FlowerGirl, Suit -MaixMai, and CaramelMacchiato -
@Awai May have gotten more for you haha.
4,6,7,8,9 Sheer open minidress, Checkmate dress, Skull&FlowerGirl, Suit -MaixMai, and CaramelMacchiato