LF: These things to break maps
i think for the fishing mint they use this system or one very similar to this
Here's the fishing rod tho if you wanna test it out: https://forum.ripper.store/post/76940Super Fishing Rod! 便利で楽しい! - Okaeri Game Studio - BOOTH
これがスーパーフィッシングロッドだ! 1000mまで伸びて、先端についた派手なカメラで向こう側の様子を見ることができるんだ。 お友達は、お札をクリックすることで竿の上に座ることができるぞ! 仲間が橋から落ちたり、動けなくなったりしたときに大活躍!巨大な世界を素早く探索することもできるんだ。 他にもいろいろな使い方があるよ。 もちろん、友達にイタズラすることも!でも、ほどほどにね。 必要なツールはこちら: lilToon https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 Avatar 3 Manager (VRC Creator Companion)
As for the map thing I want to say you can use this as something similar to the one in the video.
here's the download for the ABT -
i think for the fishing mint they use this system or one very similar to this
Here's the fishing rod tho if you wanna test it out: https://forum.ripper.store/post/76940Super Fishing Rod! 便利で楽しい! - Okaeri Game Studio - BOOTH
これがスーパーフィッシングロッドだ! 1000mまで伸びて、先端についた派手なカメラで向こう側の様子を見ることができるんだ。 お友達は、お札をクリックすることで竿の上に座ることができるぞ! 仲間が橋から落ちたり、動けなくなったりしたときに大活躍!巨大な世界を素早く探索することもできるんだ。 他にもいろいろな使い方があるよ。 もちろん、友達にイタズラすることも!でも、ほどほどにね。 必要なツールはこちら: lilToon https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 Avatar 3 Manager (VRC Creator Companion)
As for the map thing I want to say you can use this as something similar to the one in the video.
here's the download for the ABT@Lo0nGravy Thank you very much!!!, your help is greatly appreciated.
I will still be searching for the map, the functions that that avatar has are interesting, I will still take a look at it -
@Lo0nGravy Thank you very much!!!, your help is greatly appreciated.
I will still be searching for the map, the functions that that avatar has are interesting, I will still take a look at it@Fur-Fennec np
Bumping this thread because these avatars are cool as heck. Does anyone know of any other avatars that use colliders in clever ways? I frequent some car worlds and colliders interact with them.
search "mr grab" in vrcdb avi search world, it has some very cool interactions with some objects.
For the ABS the updates for it are in this thread https://forum.ripper.store/topic/10304/lf-avatarbasictool-abt/2?_=1692854892800