LF Those things and Karin’s clothes and some rindo clothes
Hi, I’m looking for those accessories. Thanks.
Third post because i can't edit xd【PB対応】手持ちランタン(カンテラ) - おぎにり - BOOTH
Good NightでBad Luckな某難易度15の子が持ってたランタン ライトを割り当ててあるので暗いワールドで取り出すと周囲を照らすことができます。 光源の設定はランタン→立方体.001→Directional Lightのinspectorから変更できます。 Shaderはliltoonを使用しています。 サムネイル使用アバター あまとうさぎ様 『カリン』-Karin-【オリジナル3Dモデル】 https://komado.booth.pm/items/3470989
[VRC | ModularAvatar] Snow orbit rapier - IruaStore - BOOTH
VRChat 아바타와 월드에 사용가능한 파티클입니다. - 레이피어를 손에 소환하여, 스킬을 연출할수있습니다. - 두 종류의 BurstParticle이 포함되어있습니다. - 레이피어를 소환하지 않을때는 손바닥 방향으로 파티클이 방출됩니다. - 월드에 적용가능한 무한루프 Prefab이 포함되어있습니다. - 원클릭으로 적용이 가능합니다. - Modular Avatar를 대응하므로, 필요에 따라 선택하여 다운로드 해주세요. - Modular Avatar 에 대한 자세한 내용은 이곳을 참조해주세요.
【カリンちゃん専用】CPUCoolerAccessory [VRChat想定] - MechatronicsGirl - BOOTH
そうだ!CPUクーラーを頭に乗せよう! CPUは頭脳と呼ばれてますしね! という謎の発想から生まれたもの □内容物 UnityPackage,FBX,Prefab,Texture,Material □対応アバター 〈 カリン 〉-Karin- https://booth.pm/ja/items/3470989 □シェーダー lillab様のliltoonを使用しています https://lilxyzw.booth.pm/items/3087170 □規約 ・一部を除き、非営利営利目的問わず利用が可能です ・性的表現、暴力的表現での利用が可能です ・政治活動、宗教活動での利用を禁じます □注意
ラッシュガードスポーティ【カリン用】 - P*Connect - BOOTH
・・ラッシュガードスポーティ・・ ▶【カリン用】(https://psha.booth.pm/items/5075013) 【ライム用】(https://psha.booth.pm/items/5093319) ◆ 更新事項 23.09.09 v1.0.0 ・ Release 23.09.10 v1.1.0 ・ 他のアバターモデルを区別するためにlocationを変更しました(Psha/RashGuardSporty/Karin/) 23.09.15 v1.1.1 ・ 水着マテリアルの「影色1」を正しい色のテクスチャに修正しました ◆ 基本仕様 ・ポリゴン数 ▶ Parka 12332△
【PB対応】カリン対応みこしょうぞく/Karin_Mikoshozoku VRC用 - HIIIO服飾販売部 - BOOTH
カリンアバターを対応します。 Karin Avatar can use. ※アバターは付属しません。 ※Avatar not included.
Sky Link Tablet for VRChat [ミリタリー,エアストライク,ミニマップ, アバター・ダイナミクス,VRC,爆発的] - kyrowovrc - BOOTH
Bring your Roleplay to the next level with the Sky Link Tablet! The Sky Link Tablet is a multi-purpose touch-sensitive Tablet with integrated GNSS support. The Tablet streams the view of a satellite onto the screen, making it easy to mark and call in any type of air support.
PECU for VRChat [フォースフィールド, ミリタリー, タクティカル, VRChat] - kyrowovrc - BOOTH
Bring your Roleplay to the next level with the Personal Emergency Care Unity [P.E.C.U]! The P.E.C.U incorporates an integrated forcefield generator that effectively prevents bullets from entering or exiting, alongside a healing mist within the dome that provides restoration to individuals.
VRChat Plasma Dagger - [VRチャット, ダガー, 近接武器, アバターダイナミクス, 武器] - kyrowovrc - BOOTH
KTEK - Dagger "Flux" Avatar Dynamics [アバターダイナミクス], Particle FX [パーティクルFX], 5 specially tailored Audio components [オーディオ] and more! Please Watch The Showcase:
オリジナル3D衣装「メイガスバニー」 - ROKO SHOP - BOOTH
-------------------------------------------------------- 本モデルはVrchatでの利用を想定した3D衣装となっております。 データのご購入、ご利用については仕様および利用規約をご確認いただき、ご了承された上でお願いいたします。 ※注:アバター本体は商品には付属しておりません。
(karin and rindo)
Rindo『竜胆 PB 』クリスマス衣装 Christmas Outfit - BERO - BOOTH
Rindo 『竜胆』 クリスマス衣装 Christmas Outfit メリークリスマス!🎁。 Jingoのオリジナル3Dモデル、Rindo「竜胆」のクリスマス衣装です。 ベースモデルへのリンク - https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/3443188 ドレス、ドレスの短いバージョン、ショーツ、取り外し可能な袖、靴、サンタ帽、角のバンドが含まれています。このドレスは、クリスマスシーズンが終わっても使いたい場合は、毛皮のないシンプルなバージョンもあります。 バストサイズの大小に対応した衣装です。
【PB対応!竜胆·舞夜用】スイート·ドリーム - ネズミHOUSE - BOOTH
【竜胆·舞夜用】スイート·ドリーム 対応するアバター オリジナル3Dモデル「竜胆」ver1.02 https://jingo1016.booth.pm/items/3443188 オリジナル3Dモデル「舞夜」Ver.1.01 https://kyubihome.booth.pm/items/3390957 アバター本体は含まれていません。 AvatarToolsに対応しています。 対応アバターのスカートボーンをそのまま使用していますので、手動での着替えはおすすめしていません。 簡単で最適化できるAvatarToolsをぜひご使用ください。
Portal gun
Features:Easy to import onto any model, or change textures to your liking. Glados Potato Shooting animation that move the barrel and armsParticles for a nice shooting effectPortals that stick to walls and will land flat except at extreme anglesTwo handed holding with gestures (hands closed)Uses vrchat hand gestures to move the assets from your back to your handLow polly count (13,500 triangles over all)One mesh and material for the gun, one for each portal, and 4 materials for the particles Optimized for vrchatTutorial for easy setup.PSD with easy recolorable layersUpdate 2.0:(credit goes to @Foomaring on twitter for making the portals work)Features:Portals now can be used and others can travel between them (system by Fooma)Portal switch is now by putting the left hand on the glowing button on the body (triggered by a VRC sender/receiver) VRC phys bones on the arms to make it feel nicerImportant info:You can't use your own portals, it's a VRChat restriction. People need to be able to render you when firing the portals, so just be in their field of view first. This technology shouldn't work so there may be Unforeseen Consequences. You should keep the gun aimed at where you want the portal to be until the portal appears (since this is a physics object, it may rotate with the arm until it hits collision)Since it does rely in physics collision, a viewer's frame rate my affect if they see the collision or notSolution seemed to reset avatar if people have trouble interactingUpdate 2.1 (6/12/22):Updated the Avatar 3.0 Manager to v2.0.2 Found out that turning on always animate in the avatar animator helps the portal seat work betterFound out that checking your avatar FX controller for write defaults on for everything before merging might fix some problems Update 2.5 (7/11/22):Thank you Fooma for another update on this hes been working hard on this and he got the seats working vary smoothly. hes the one that got the base seat system of this working go check him out https://foomaring.gumroad.com/or @Foomaring on twitterImproved portal seats reliabilityAdded indicator for shootingThis is only seen by you, others cant see itAdded indicator for seatsThis is seen by allNow using Final IK stub v1.9If you have final IK 1.9 you dont need the stubIf you have any other version of final Ik you will have to remove it first (delete the plugin/rootmotion folder in the assets of your unity project)Install the stub first before the portal gun packageGet the stub here: https://github.com/VRLabs/Final-IK-StubUpdated to Poiyomi 8.0.295Updated Avatars 3.0 Manager to v2.0.2.Update 2.6 (9/7/22):Removed the Avatar 3.0 Manager from the project to support future updateslink to Avatar 3.0 Manager: https://github.com/VRLabs/Avatars-3.0-ManagerUpdate 2.7 (2/19/24):fixed seats from vrchat breaking themadded a object to scale so its clear, scaling anything but the armature would brake itTutorial:2.5 Link: https://youtu.be/4SHtQRWCWjs(Upload the final Ik stub before the portal gun)2.0 Link: https://youtu.be/BhlQUCwHREAold Link: https://youtu.be/bwGUEvLZhG0Terms of Service:(please respect the artist)Can: Change textures and files to whatever you wantUse it for whatever you wantuse on vrchat public avatars (with proper citing)Cannot:Redistribute files (give files to friends)Resell my assists as your ownRemove the water markuse commerciallyTechnical support:I will try my best to help anyone in need of help with my products. I'm the fastest at responding on discord. Khailchips
Gumroad (khailchips.gumroad.com)
Slapable Frying Pan TF2 [VRChat]
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Leave a rating on this product! Helps my product get recommended more! Want to test it out before you buy it?You can try out my Public Asset Test Avatar in my Avatar world! Click Me! Smash your friends with the Frying Pan!• Frying Pan• Frying Pan Sounds• Frying Pan Model• Frying Pan Regular Material• Frying Pan Gold Material• Frying Pan Animations & Controller • Poiyomi Toon shader version 8.1.166 or newer• VRCFury • This product was intended to be used in VRChat with SDK3• My avatar used in showcase images: Rex / Rexouium • Credits to Valve: https://www.teamfortress.com• "Old frying pan" by Irina.Tuchna is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution.• Everything else done by me ^w^• This is fan made <3 • Public avatars: Allowed• Commissioned avatars: Allowed(if both people own the asset)• No Commercial license. You can NOT include my assets in your Unity packages • By purchasing this, you agree to NOT to share the files with anyone that has NOT bought the asset Pointless Creations 🌹Making quality assets for a cheaper price! Want to leave a tip? You can here on my Gumroad Tip Jar! ❤️ Click me!Want to become an affiliate and earn a cut from sales you get me? Click Me!Alternative Store page: https://jinxxy.com/POINTLESSMain Discord: pointless.blendAsset Support/Questions Discord, Friend Request: pointless.supportVRC Group: PNTLS.4137 I do take suggestions!Have a wonderful day! :3
Gumroad (pointlesscreations.gumroad.com)
Remington-870 Shotgun (VRCHAT 3.0)
NOTICE:This asset is made with write defaults ON.This asset does NOT utilize physbones.This asset utilizes GESTURES, those with finger tracking controllers like index may experience issues when firing the weapon.To merge this prefab to an existing avatar use the AV3 Manager by VRLabs and ensure there aren't any duplicate parameters Information: This asset is a prefab of a functional Remington-870 shotgun.Features :Firing SystemFunctional Ammo+Reload System 3 Selectable Sights. (Iron sights, Micro T2, Eotech)2 Functional Rail attachments (Ozark Armament G. Laser + Inforce WML)Default Controls:Fist (Right hand) : ShootFinger Point (Right hand) : Equip WeaponRockNRoll (Left hand) : ReloadFist (Left hand) : Pump ShotgunTOS :You may not redistribute, or re-sell Anything included in this prefab without independently owning the asset including the models, sounds, particles, textures, and shaders. This includes making this asset publicly available for download by any means whether through free or monetary means. You may use this asset for your avatar whether public, or private.You may edit the asset for personal use.You may not use this asset for commercial use.Purchasing this item indicates you have read, and agree to the TOS.Credits :Particles : KnifeVFX, Sameno.SFX : Triune Digital.Models : Otto-m, Wnschpnsch, Michaelkarel29, Parallax.Shaders : AoinuREFUND POLICY : Refunds are not offered since this item is not tangible, and instead digital. CONTACT ME :In any case you need to contact me add, and DM me on discord : @josephmeowlinThis is the first item ill be selling so any feed back and criticism would be extremely appreciated!gun :)
Gumroad (josephmeowlin.gumroad.com)
Decided to make this cool railgun from scratch to go with the narmor!Comes with:-railgun files-textures-substance painter files-instructional video how to set it upIMPORTANT: You need poiyomi 8.1 or higher for the materials to work properly (unless you know what you're doing)the shader is free :) https://github.com/poiyomi/PoiyomiToonShaderRailguns default grabbing gesture from the back is finger point and shooting fistTOS:You are not allowed to give these files out to people who don't own them already.You are not allowed to resell this product.Using this weapon in commissions and avatars you're planning to sell is okay just remember to credit the creator.Do not claim this product as your own creation even with edits the original base product is still made by me.In any case of issues or questions you're free to contact Spacegolem#9425 in discord ^_^
Gumroad (spacegolem.gumroad.com)
The Sky Link and PCU are already posted you need to use the serch feature
LF: Sky Link Tablet [FOUND] ✔️
[register or login to view this hidden content] Bring your Roleplay to the next level with the Sky Link Tablet! The Sky Link Tablet is a multi-purpose touch-sensitive Tablet w...
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
LF: PECU [Found By Twonkybush ]
[register or login to view this hidden content] Bring your Roleplay to the next level with the Personal Emergency Care Unity [P.E.C.U]! The P.E.C.U incorporates an integrated ...
RipperStore Forums (forum.ripper.store)
The Sky Link and PCU are already posted you need to use the serch feature