"Foot Project" by HopeskyD & VRSuya FULL SET (Kikyo, Manuka, Maya, Moe and Selestia)
@Clown All good, just sad my 400+ gb dump is gone, but I have it on my backup drive so worst comes to worse I can figure out a way to get it somewhere without the issue of copyright. A shame people are unhinged over rep on this site, but it is what it is. Link is good for 14 days!
Hold the fuck up..........
You had an 400 gig dump on mega, but instead of posting the mega link in a continued thread that would less likely be noticed by the creators, you post a link to said mega to a file using the same mega front page screaming out "HERE I AM UPVOTE ME", then have the audacity to call people unhinged over "rep" because you got copyright struck and start accusing people in the other thread because of your own retard actions.Dude, you are the sterotypical driver that gets pulled over, runs out of a car at the cop with a gun, gets shot and then lays there going "Why you shoot me, i didn't do nothing!"
link is down, could we/i get a new link or a dm with link for dl, thanks. @certifiedleaker
@EmilyBear New link 12pm EST.
Link is down again. sorry for the trouble
@Floralias No problem!
i literally cannot put the fbx i made into the avatar builder, idk what to do, im using selestia