LF person who made this, or anyhting similar to this style
So you're looking for the avatar that the head is from? Need to be a bit more specific because it is just a simple head swap that they have done by the looks of it and can be done with any avatar.
@Goth i guess i should have been more specific, im talking about the avatar as a whole, the style of the avatar is what im looking for, figured the person who made this one would have made more in a similar style of it, i enjoy the tori avatars but im not a big fan of the robot head and i like the use of a human face instead, and was wondering if there was any other like this out there.
does that explain it a bit better? -
@Goth i guess i should have been more specific, im talking about the avatar as a whole, the style of the avatar is what im looking for, figured the person who made this one would have made more in a similar style of it, i enjoy the tori avatars but im not a big fan of the robot head and i like the use of a human face instead, and was wondering if there was any other like this out there.
does that explain it a bit better?@Not-CappinDaily Gotcha, so you're wanting a ready made avatar rather than doing it yourself, if i stumble across something i'll lyk.
So you're looking for the avatar that the head is from? Need to be a bit more specific because it is just a simple head swap that they have done by the looks of it and can be done with any avatar.
@mimanz1 The head is definitely Sapphy
And! Sapphy was kindly shared here! Sapphy Version 1.0.8 -
@mimanz1 The head is definitely Sapphy
And! Sapphy was kindly shared here! Sapphy Version 1.0.8 -
@Goth no offense but that’s kind of obviously what they were asking for… already know the body is torinyan and don’t know the head and are asking for what it is/ similar heads
@yoash They actually stated that they aren't looking for the head or the body but in fact avatars like it. So.. actually no, they aren't asking about similar heads nor what the avatar is, they're asking if anyone knows of similar avatars like this one.
No offense but i think you should read before replying to posts.
@yoash They actually stated that they aren't looking for the head or the body but in fact avatars like it. So.. actually no, they aren't asking about similar heads nor what the avatar is, they're asking if anyone knows of similar avatars like this one.
No offense but i think you should read before replying to posts.
@yoash They actually stated that they aren't looking for the head or the body but in fact avatars like it. So.. actually no, they aren't asking about similar heads nor what the avatar is, they're asking if anyone knows of similar avatars like this one.
No offense but i think you should read before replying to posts.
@Goth no offense buddy but i replied to you before they actually clarified what they meant. I can see that i was slightly off but you were wrong too. Don’t get ur panties in a bunch mate it’s not that serious
@yoash Actually if you look at the timeline that simply isn't true at all, their reply was 7 days ago and yours was 6 days ago which would mean their explanation came first.
Ps, I'm not your buddy and stop starting shit on a forum that's meant to help people, like it or not your original "no offense" comment was just unnecessary, pointless and comes off as rude no matter how many "no offense" messages you put before it, toxic behaviour as you said.
Have a nice day.