Manuka ITACHIHOLIC (found - another post) ✔
かわいいイタチの衣装です~ 対応キャラクター衣装は一週間以内にアップロードする予定です. ❤️キプフェル Kipfel対応記念価格割引イベント❤️ 02/26 ~ 04/13までです フルセット 4000 -> 3000 単品 - 2000 -> 1500
You can find it in my drive here!
You can find it in my drive here!
@kumoxx Would you be able to post the texture files that come with this outfit?
@kumoxx Would you be able to post the texture files that come with this outfit?
@FortFoxy99 Late reply but sure! Give me a couple minutes to get on unity and extract them!
@kumoxx Would you be able to post the texture files that come with this outfit?
@FortFoxy99 Here's the textures! You can also use the link I originally sent to get to it aswell
Anyone have the PSD?
@BLACK0NYX Thanks!