LF: Mami by Hanaechu
Mami オリジナル3Dモデル「まみ」 Unitypackage - hanaechu - BOOTH
***お知らせ*** 着せ替え バージョンは、Unityの知識があり、まみをカスタマイズしたいが、完全版の内容には興味がない人を対象としています。 KISEKAE VERSION is intended for those who have knowledge of unity and want to customize Mami, but do not have interest in the contents of the Full Version. オリジナル3Dモデル「Mami」 VRChatでの使用を想定した3Dモデルです。
This is one of my DREAM booth models and it costs so much, I really hope someone out there has it. Thank you so much in advance
Ended because I found a post
Ended because I found a post
@sleepypuppyuwu can you create an updated link to the avi because no one can access the anone links anymore
@sleepypuppyuwu can you create an updated link to the avi because no one can access the anone links anymore