looking for Holly & Yule
+1 for Yule
[Holly & Yule] 3.0 Physbone avatars PC Only
Holly and Yule the Winter Pups! VIDEO HEREDO NOT UPLOAD AS PUBLICYOU WILL NEED ;VRC Creator Companion - 2022 * Poi Toon 7.3.50 up to 9.0.54 (Provided) * VRC FURY - Use Repository in the creator companion *Requirement for holly !!Please import the above before into unity before importing the model!! I will not provide support for any other versions than the above.T O G G L E S ;Clothing Menu;Wardrobe: Cardigan, Dress, Pj outfit, Bikini, Stockings, Socks, Shoes (all clothing options are layer able!)Accessories Menu;Boa, Candy cane, Paw gloves, Rings braceletsSpecies Toggles;Ears, TailExtras: Fun menu; Spring joint, Snow trails, Gingerbread house with door open and curtain open/close toggles! Cute Snowflake hearts Head pat and Crossed eyed nose Boop Marker!! Colour Menus; Hair Hue Skin Colour Radial Outfit Hue Eye Hue ------------------------------------------------------------C R E D I T S ; Body, Body Textures, Hair: Sugs#9795 [https://zinpia.sellfy.store/] ( Heavy edit, YOU MAY NOT RE USE) Head: Starlynn#8980 [https://starlynn.gumroad.com/]( Heavy edit, YOU MAY NOT RE USE) Boa: Oliver#8983 [https://olivervrc.gumroad.com/] Dress: Desire#5791 [https://desireee.gumroad.com/] Candy Cane/ Puppy set: Cupkake#6666 [https://cupkake.store/] Underwear: Hayweee#1999 [https://hayweee.gumroad.com/] Shoes: SPECTRE#7169 [https://payhip.com/b/XOKAu] Gloves/ Leg Bows: ничто#6666 [https://apyr.gumroad.com/] Eye Textures: Ryuohh#0001 [https://ryuohh.gumroad.com/] Cardigan: moobean#8827 [https://moobean.gumroad.com/] Stockings: Pandaabear#9873 [https://pandaabear.gumroad.com/] Head Snowflake particles, sitting animations : Kisu☆#1000 [https://kisustar.gumroad.com] Snowflake Springjoint: Grey#6666 [https://booth.pm/ja/items/2517789] Locomotion fix: https://wetcat.gumroad.com/ (WetCat, AlcTrap, Dj Lukis.LT, INYO and Gireison) AV3 Creations tools: Rafa#0069 [https://rafacasari.gumroad.com/] Marker: Vrlabs [https://github.com/VRLabs/Marker] Fluffs Toolbox: fluff#5265 [https://fluffs.gumroad.com/] Pj's, Socks, Star Ornaments, Gingerbread house and Jewelry: Whituu#4928 T O G G L E S ;Clothing Menu;Wardrobe: Cardigan, Turtleneck, Jeans, Boots, Pj Outfit, Boxers (all clothing options are layer able!)Accessories Menu;Candy cane, Rings, NecklaceSpecies Toggles;Ears, TailExtras: Fun menu; Spring joint, Snow trails, Gingerbread house with door open and curtain open/close toggles! Cute Snowflake hearts Head pat and Crossed eyed nose Boop Marker!! Colour Menus; Hair Hue Skin Colour Radial Outfit Hue Eye Hue ------------------------------------------------------------C R E D I T S ; Body, Body Textures, Hair: Sugs#9795 [https://zinpia.sellfy.store/] ( Heavy edit, YOU MAY NOT RE USE) Head: Starlynn#8980 [https://starlynn.gumroad.com/]( Heavy edit, YOU MAY NOT RE USE) Scarf: DOGU#0271 [https://discord.com/invite/whtEBuv] Candy Cane/ Puppy set: Cupkake#6666 [https://cupkake.store/] Shoes: NippNipp#0001 [https://nippnipp.gumroad.com/] Eye Textures: Ryuohh#0001 [https://ryuohh.gumroad.com/] Cardigan: moobean#8827 [https://moobean.gumroad.com/] Jeans: crabman823#8389 [https://crabman823.sellfy.store/] Necklace: Koreanbural#9477 [https://koreanbural.gumroad.com/] Head Snowflake particles, sitting animations : Kisu☆#1000 [https://kisustar.gumroad.com] Snowflake Springjoint: Grey#6666 [https://booth.pm/ja/items/2517789] Locomotion fix: https://wetcat.gumroad.com/ (WetCat, AlcTrap, Dj Lukis.LT, INYO and Gireison) AV3 Creations tools: Rafa#0069 [https://rafacasari.gumroad.com/] Marker: Vrlabs [https://github.com/VRLabs/Marker] Hotdog Pj's, Turtleneck, Socks, Star Ornaments, Boxers, Gingerbread house and Jewelry: Whituu#4928 L I C E N S E ;This model does not come with any commercial rights. (This means you cannot use any parts for sale purposes, you must purchase from the provided sources above)This includes both my base and head editAbsolutely NO REFUNDS. This is due to the nature of a digital license.FOR STREAMERS:If you plan to use for streaming, you MUST credit on your streaming platform the creators name with a hyperlink to the modelModel cannot be used as a base, If you wish to modify choose either the HAIR or the OUTFIT, Avatar should remain looking somewhat like the OG creationAvatar CANNOT be used for merchandising profit as I remain the copyright holder.This Model Is Copyright Protected.Please join the discord too for further model updates at; https://discord.gg/QezKwcc2FY
Gumroad (whituu.gumroad.com)
would be so cool