珍飯亭 TINMESHITEI Avatars & Assets (LatestVer)
Does anyone still have the bunny suit still up if possible?
Does anyone still have the bunny suit still up if possible?
@SlyBlu1011 I still have it, I'll reupload and post the link in a few minutes
Does anyone still have the bunny suit still up if possible?
@SlyBlu1011 I still have it, I'll reupload and post the link in a few minutes
@BartFartman thank you so much!
anyone have? -
@LooseCannon You wouldn't happen to have the OSC_Time_Day.exe that's included with that avatar to get the Time/Day to work on the smartphone?
@LooseCannon You wouldn't happen to have the OSC_Time_Day.exe that's included with that avatar to get the Time/Day to work on the smartphone?
@BartFartman Sorry I do not
@BartFartman Sorry I do not
@LooseCannon All good, thanks for checking!