Most recent version of Substance Painter?
Unsure if this is the place to put this but I have found many people saying to get it from Filecr but it's not trustworthy and has Trojan and other malware within the files. So many to the point that Windows automatically blocks it (and I'm not about to disable my Antivirus nor do I know how to) I'm not paying $200+ a year for the actual version plus just generally FUCK Adobe.
If anyone has a version that is NOT password locked, not from Filecr, That you don't have to open with 7-Zip, and not jam-packed full of malware, I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide the files (Through Mega, Google Drive, etc.).
I have the 9.0.0 version cracked but it can't open more recent and popular avatars like the Viwi.(Apologies if I seem rude, that is not my intent lol)
so, i get access to mine through GenP, which you can find downloads and instructions for in a subreddit for it. i've had no issues with it, and it'll unlock everything from photoshop to substance to express, updates and all.
@LocalBozo I'll take a look at it