Looking for the Scavatar (Rain World Scavenger) base!
Hello hello! Looking for this particular base..
Scavatar (Rainworld Scavenger) Customizable VRC Avatar Base
Vrchat public model so you can try it on! Try out the various sliders for customization! [Free Trial Model]This gumroad purchase is if you want to edit the colors, create new patterns, or add new geometry to the model.If you make anything with the model, please @ me at (@BoiWab), I want to see what is created! [you don't have to if you don't want to though] v 1.2 Update (2/8/25): .psd files so that you can edit textures without substance painter! Very nice-looking, optimized Mark of Communication by Xan the Dragon (https://etithespirit.gumroad.com/l/the_mark) Many bug fixes based on reviewer feedback! Features: Scav! (PC and Quest) Many many horn, face, eye, and back frill sliders, so you can be just as varied as the beloved masked critters from the garbage wastes. Toggles for all straps and worn equipment Toggles to hold an explosive spear (Not on quest for performance reasons) Toggle for porl Make a fist and squeeze the trigger to shrink the pupils Set up for Full body tracking (although, sometimes I have to increase my height by an inch) A substance painter file with three example textures and organized layers for easy editing psd files for all textures with organized layers and mesh overlays for easy editing both files include alternate king scav colors, optional face paint, and an unfinished clay-like texture. .Blend files for mesh editing, UV editing, and other general torment Specs: Good ranking on PC (excellent w/o toggles) 19.1k polys 2 skinned meshes 6 material slots 22MB texture memory Poor ranking on Quest (with decimation and atlasing, could be better) 18.6k polys 1 skinned mesh 4 material slots 9.5MB texture memory Dependencies Poyomi ShadersPoyomi Github VRCFuryVRCFury Website Terms of Service You CAN Edit the model for personal use, including textures, mesh, blendshapes, etc. Create and sell assets that fit the model, such as clothing, so long as you do not redistribute the files of my base. Upload the asset within public, clonable avatars. (just credit me in the avatar description as "Edit by X, Scavatar Model base by BoiWab") Feature the asset in videos, streams, images etc. (so long as I am credited and the project files in this gumroad are not redistributed) Offer commissions to retexture or modify the asset, or commissions to create a model that features this asset, so long as both you and the client have purchased the asset. Mod it into games, so long as credit is given (also please @ me I think that stuff is really cool) You CAN NOT: Sell the scavatar model itself, or sell edits of the scavatar model itself to those who do not own the original model. (for example, if you make an edit that changes the body proportions of the scav, you can sell that so long as you ensure that everyone who buys it also has bought the original scav model.) Freely distribute the files for the scavatar, including textures, fbx, etc. to those who do not own the original model. (uploading public vrc avis is OK, VTubing is OK) Get a refund as this is a digital product CREDITS AND NOTES: Inspired by the work of Videocult's Rain World (PLEASE check it out on Steam it is a wonderful experience) Music is original work by me Promo Video made with the help of @thatbritpigeon If you have any issues regarding unity, substance, etc. There are a wealth of community-made guides. The VRChat discord server also features a helpline channel. If there are any issues specific to the scavatar, message me on twitter or discord (@BoiWab, for both). I am sometimes busy and may not reply quickly, but I will try to help if I can! [sometimes, it really is just the machine spirit cursing you though and I am powerless.] Make sure to consult the README.txt for more detailed instructions! Inspired by the work of @Teevz, you should check their gumroad for slugcat and iterator models! They also have a helpful tutorial for using the avatar files that should also be applicable to many assets (including my scavatar). Again I thank Xan the Dragon for reaching out and allowing me to use their asset for the Mark of Communication! I thank Happyrobot33 for creating the "painter-plugin-KRITA-tools" program that allowed me to make the psd files from my substance project! I also thank the following reviewers for their feedback that directly led to bug fixes: Aurric Aurum Two anonymous reviewers BOO
Gumroad (boiwab.gumroad.com)
More than happy to trade! Not sure if I have anything worth trading, though.. ^^;;;
Thanks in advance!
yall in luck :] i bought it a hot while ago, havent checked for updates so heres what i have atm!
yall in luck :] i bought it a hot while ago, havent checked for updates so heres what i have atm!
@pymy Tysm!! W Murder Drones PFP btw!!
yall in luck :] i bought it a hot while ago, havent checked for updates so heres what i have atm!
@pymy only texture files in here?
@pymy only texture files in here?
this has everything i got with the download at the time, texture files + the unity package was all i got myself -
This post is deleted!
this has everything i got with the download at the time, texture files + the unity package was all i got myself@pymy Could you maybe try sending just the unitypackage then? I unpacked the .rar and only saw the textures
Bump for V1.2