LF: Sophie By heartmarksman | Female/Femboy |
tfw I bought the avi but felt that the creator did such a good job that people should pay to use it
tfw I bought the avi but felt that the creator did such a good job that people should pay to use it
@SKW-QV1 It's their first furry avatar ever created when they usually release TDA garbage. Not to bust your chops but I kind of would like to support the creator on this one to incentivize more content like this.
@Mavulus great, but don't come to the post where people are looking for it just to rub it in their faces that you already have it. Keep it to yourself and shut up
@SKW-QV1 Nah, I'll keep posting however I feel like it. Also now definitely not going to share this avatar, realizing that the attitude of people on this board don't deserve such generosity.
I hope other people who have purchased the asset feel the same way. Have fun waiting for months avatarless.
@SKW-QV1 Nah, I'll keep posting however I feel like it. Also now definitely not going to share this avatar, realizing that the attitude of people on this board don't deserve such generosity.
I hope other people who have purchased the asset feel the same way. Have fun waiting for months avatarless.
@Mavulus People don't have a good attitude towards you because you rubbed it in EVERYONES face that you already have the avatar and aren't going to share with anyone. Get over yourself and grow the fuck up. Have the day you deserve
There's no need for any of this from any of you, especially you @SweatyCat . Please refrain from continuing to argue on this thread or consequences will be distributed.