Looking for Karin
@clickerman9 then try again at a later time to download. Please read what Anonfiles posted about the reason why some people get that error.
@clickerman9 edited for mega
which prefab should i be using when uploading it in unity?
@dinguswingus Just the "karin (prefab asset)" because I think she's just in her underwear in the other one right?
^^^ use the one called prefab asset and not import settings or anything like that, the one without her original clothes on is for if you want to put different clothing on her. so if you just want her original clothing use the one above like Floralias said, if you want to change the clothes/edit her then use the other
@Floralias yeah i was able to figure it out :3
i have the latest version 1.11 but for some odd reason there is no expressions menu in it like i cant add clothes to the menu without it
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