LF Karin Assets 0/6
Hey everyone~, I was hoping if anyone could help me I'm looking for these cute outfits and textures. If anyone would be willing to share these or an archive I'd be super grateful, I'm even willing to trade other assets I have.
Obsidian Found By:Popstar647
Thanks So Much Guys~ ♡
https://forum.ripper.store/topic/8243/urban-tech-obsidian/2?_=1692073664234 There is a set posted by a user in the post. It has Karin's Obsidian.
@BLACK0NYX Thank You So Much ^^ I really love the Enigma series, I've bought a lot of them just not Karin's
5 bump
3 Cat Hood on another post: https://forum.ripper.store/post/58913
Bump for hair texture