LF: Novabeast Assets (0/2)
1: Gear Cyber Limbs Textures | Novabeast
Gear Cyber Limbs Textures | Novabeast
!!! You MUST own the Novabeast model made by Kittomatic... it does NOT come with this texture !!!Buy The Nova Here!!!! You MUST ALSO own Angel's Cyber Limbs models... they do NOT come with this texture !!!<------------------------------------------------------------------->Cyber LegsCyber Arms<------------------------------------------------------------------->These are made to go alongside the eye pack that I sold, they can be found here:Cyber EyesRetextures made by: TortoiseTrouble! Created in Substance Painter !Credit is appreciated but not needed.Note: The model in the showcase uses Poiyomi 8.1 shaders.. but it can work with anything <------------------------------------------------------------------->What this package includes:- Image folders of all the PNGs at the time of upload- A folder full of Unity Materials ready to be uploaded to your avatar once imported- Audiolink Variants and Non-Audiolink Variants included in setup<------------------------------------------------------------------->TOS:- CANNOT BE USED ON PUBLIC MODELS- Do not re-sell or share this asset under any circumstances, edited or not - if someone wants them, please direct them to this page<------------------------------------------------------------------->⭐If you like my re-textures ... please leave a rating! ⭐It helps boost my content so I can continue making more for you!Join the discord for updates on new re-textures, giveaways, avatar world updates - and more!Tor-tal Chaos DiscordCheck out my Ko-fi if you'd like to support me further!https://ko-fi.com/tortoisetrouble?action=gallery
Gumroad (tortoisetrouble.gumroad.com)
2: Novabeast Proto Armour
Novabeast Proto Armour
Introducing the Novabeast Proto Armour, an armour cosmetic set styled after the Protogen species by Koinu!REQUIREMENTS-Poiyomi Toon Shader (theoretically optional)-Novabeast Avatar (probably)-VRCFury-Current VRC SDK/Unity setupSTATS1 material slot4,556 tris2,332 vertsCONTENTSNote - Only the armour asset is included with this purchase. Any other assets pictured in image previews are sold separately/not created by me. All credit to those go to their original creators. This package does not include a visor asset.Included in the purchase is a unity package file with a VRCFury prefab already set up and ready to go. The prefab uses poiyomi toon shaders, though you can swap the material out for anything you would like. Please note that the prefab is intended to be used with the default avatar, and any edited versions may have slight incompatibilities. If you have adjusted the physbones on the breasts or their size, they may clip through the armour. Included in the downloads is a .blend file that you can use to adjust the model as needed, preferred fbx export settings can be found in the images. The texture file is provided as a PSD, as well as a combined .PNG texture.FUNCTIONALITYThe armour, when installed via the VRCFury prefab, (simply drag it onto the root of your avatar) will be placed into it's own menu at the root of your gesture controller, and is disabled by default. It includes toggles for each separate piece of armour, which can be toggled independently of one another. The default breasts slider on the avatar will also control the armour, as long as you have not edited the controller for that system in any way. The LEDs on the chestplate are hooked to a slider that allows you to change the hue of their glow, though be warned if you change the shader in any way the LEDs almost certainly will stop working. The material was built using the most recent version of Poiyomi Pro, though the free version should work fine if you choose to use it. You may be able to restore LED colour functionality through other shaders by fixing the property the hue controller but your mileage may vary. Alternatively, just colour the LED the way you want it on the texture if you do not wish to use the slider functionality/prefer a specific static colour.CHANGELOGV1 - Initial releaseV2 - Added support for Nightbeast edit. More information can be found on the download page. If anything is broken with the new update, please contact me on Discord (fr05t_proto)V3 - Oops there was an issue with weight painting on the LEDs! It's been fixed with the V3 files.TOSYou're allowed to do pretty much whatever you want with the armour aside from resell it or reupload the files, you can edit it, render it, animate with it, customize it, even refit it to other models, just as long as you have purchased the product and credit me+link to this gumroad page.CREDITSMakWoodhunter - Original armour design/commissionKittomatic - Novabeast avatar baseKoinu - Protogen specieshttps://iamuron.gumroad.com/l/ProtoVisor - Visor model in previewhttps://softbutters.gumroad.com/l/MohackForNovaBeast - Hair model in preview
Gumroad (fr05t.gumroad.com)