I want it too so ill attempt and see if i can get it give me an hour
I want it too so ill attempt and see if i can get it give me an hour
@EnderEditor Take ur time! and thanks!
@EnderEditor Take ur time! and thanks!
@EnderEditor Omg thank you so much! I'm going to try it, thanks really ;;
@EnderEditor Omg thank you so much! I'm going to try it, thanks really ;;
@Prapraika if you need any help feel free to DM
@Prapraika if you need any help feel free to DM
@EnderEditor I would mainly look for help with the "missing" scripts and organizing all the details of the avatar like fx, gestures, menu, etc. I've been trying this on my own, It's a bit difficult but here I go, but if you'd like to work together to make an unity package that works like the original, don't hesitate to talk to me too ^^
bump for unripped
VRCModels dropped this a few days ago, unsure if it's ripped or not https://vrmodels.store/avatars/46845-corvids-corvid.html
might be ripped due to the fact it comes with zero of the additional files you get from buying the avatar like the SPP and such.
might be ripped due to the fact it comes with zero of the additional files you get from buying the avatar like the SPP and such.
@ClaptasticFrag I haven't tried Vrmodels vers yet, it already comes configured with assigned expression & other parameters? Like physbones/scripts?
Just asking, it may work for some!