Ahi, the naga! (ik she's not out yet read post!)
First official Bump!
Breed yes, next question.
Bump -
Bump since she comes out in an hour >:3
oooo,, snek woman,,,,
https://wolfsden3d.gumroad.com/l/AhiSnake?layout=profile link for those curious! 40 Euros for her
https://jinxxy.com/WolfsDen3D/Ahi since the gumroad is kinda down
This post is deleted!
i hope it releases soon and isn't butchered like a lot of good avis... I suppose you're keeping it until then in case the creator sees and figures out who leaked it so you don't lose access to it in some way? @ curious
ETA: oh you deleted the message-
i hope it releases soon and isn't butchered like a lot of good avis... I suppose you're keeping it until then in case the creator sees and figures out who leaked it so you don't lose access to it in some way? @ curious
ETA: oh you deleted the message-
@ClaptasticFrag Yeees since it was a giveaway thing they did for a free ver and i wanna give people both at the same time so they don't have to lf it all over the place (deleted previous mssg since i didn't know if i'd be chewed out by people who are impatient :') )
C ClaptasticFrag referenced this topic
bumpies for pretty snek lady