Velle Asset Archive
Added 1 more custom fit
@memumo No Uruki is a little bit shorter than Velle,i have already tried it
@memumo No Uruki is a little bit shorter than Velle,i have already tried it
@heavensbloodwlf and even if you rescale Velle outfit to match Uruki Height, you still gonna have clipping saddly
Added a link to my Uruki archive, will make a separate post some time in the future
Updated Uruki to v1.1
Updated Uruki to v1.2
M MrEzBake referenced this topic
L Lizzie_the_Elf referenced this topic
Remember to unzip the files with Winrar or 7zip, do not use windows's built-in unzipper because it fucking sucks, sometimes it doesn't extract all the files