GIFT: PhysBoneIKGrab Tool 2.0.0
couldn't find it on here (and the old version i did find wasn't working so) here you go! first gift on here dbjfbjd
PhysBoneIKGrab Tool - kamyu - BOOTH
VRChat의 PhysBone Component를 사용하여 다른 사람이나 자신이 팔이나 다리를 잡고 움직일 수 있도록 하는 비파괴 툴 입니다. This is a non-destructive tool that allows you to grab and move the arms or legs of other avatars or your own using VRChat's PhysBone Component. VRChatのPhysBone Componentを使って、他の人や自分の腕や脚をつかんで動かすことができる非破壊ツールです。
Woah cool, thenx can we also get the latest version i wanna compare it with the other tool i use
bump Legend
let me know if anyone figures out how to set this up properly
seems that all the scripts in the prefab are busted@vash60BDD ah they work for me? you have to copy & paste the prefab multiple times for multiple limbs (really weird setup but it works)
and oops sorry for not providing the update i forgot to watch the thread ;;
@vash60BDD ah they work for me? you have to copy & paste the prefab multiple times for multiple limbs (really weird setup but it works)
and oops sorry for not providing the update i forgot to watch the thread ;;
I think it's just because it assumes you've set up all your physbones on an empty
which I know is prob good workflow but lol no
do you literally just put the prefab on each part of the armature in the hierarchy?
I thought you also had to add the physbone itself to the prefab
my problem is that it's missing all the scripts and idk where to add what
no worries tho, I have it too so I gotchu -
I think it's just because it assumes you've set up all your physbones on an empty
which I know is prob good workflow but lol no
do you literally just put the prefab on each part of the armature in the hierarchy?
I thought you also had to add the physbone itself to the prefab
my problem is that it's missing all the scripts and idk where to add what
no worries tho, I have it too so I gotchu@vash60BDD Hey I'm not sure if this is your problem but I've noticed lately that when importing packages Unity doesn't check any scripts by default - I have to click All for every import with scripts. It may be that you're missing scripts due to that?
@vash60BDD Hey I'm not sure if this is your problem but I've noticed lately that when importing packages Unity doesn't check any scripts by default - I have to click All for every import with scripts. It may be that you're missing scripts due to that?