LF: Manuka Clothing // 【PB】『Summer Holiday』【8 Avatars】// 【Animation】 Jump Suit 【 7アバター対応】// 【Animation】【PB】【 4アバター対応】 Ecchi Kendo // ホットバカンス (Hot Vacance)
apologies, I should've looked before hand but I found 1 and 3 in different topics, but please bump 2 and 4
@kokolatte could u please post the link to the other topics?
@kokolatte could u please post the link to the other topics?
.1. https://forum.ripper.store/topic/30584/lf-summer-holiday-shinra-or-full-set/12?=1729023323910
.3. https://forum.ripper.store/topic/20809/lf-ecchi-kendo-for-selestia/21?=1729023323913