LF Rouge the Bat - VRChat Avatar
because i hate gatekeepers and hypocrites like @ymmv0 here yall go enjoy
Amy rose
because i hate gatekeepers and hypocrites like @ymmv0 here yall go enjoy
Amy rose
@Athena_kitty Bruh I wasn't being a hypocrite nor did I gatekeep, please look up the definition for gatekeeping
you don't have to be rude either, I wasn't trying to be mean to anyone. I'm sorry if I upset you but I really wasn't trying to be mean. I don't appreciate you calling me that, I've shared plenty of other files on here, including my own bought. just because there's one file I don't want to share doesn't make me a gatekeeper, so please don't be so rude.
@Athena_kitty Bruh I wasn't being a hypocrite nor did I gatekeep, please look up the definition for gatekeeping
you don't have to be rude either, I wasn't trying to be mean to anyone. I'm sorry if I upset you but I really wasn't trying to be mean. I don't appreciate you calling me that, I've shared plenty of other files on here, including my own bought. just because there's one file I don't want to share doesn't make me a gatekeeper, so please don't be so rude.
@ymmv0 i rarerly will share anything i buy or traded with. only small problem is if i buy it someone would buy it first and share it. i just wait
but anyway Here the rouge
@ymmv0 i rarerly will share anything i buy or traded with. only small problem is if i buy it someone would buy it first and share it. i just wait
but anyway Here the rouge
@AsgoreDreemurr and that’s completely fine, that’s usually the way I am as well. I genuinely wasn’t trying to be mean and I feel like I just got hated on for absolutely nothing
they didn’t have to talk to me that way, I appreciate you being more mature. I’ve spent ass loads of money on avatars and leaked them as well, it was literally just this one I didn’t want to
ok so if y'all are trying to make Rouge quest compatible, her clothes are meshed together all at once. so what i did since the pc toggles on Poi Pro are most likely the cause of the clothes to appear, i made animation to record her clothes to disappear and reappear one by one. it slightly works however the gym outfit gets clipped and her nipples exposed but im sure it can be resolved somehow
@ymmv0 i rarerly will share anything i buy or traded with. only small problem is if i buy it someone would buy it first and share it. i just wait
but anyway Here the rouge