ULLU - the goddess of dark waters on the dark side of the Moon, born during the period of an eclipse of the Sun, is a priestess and daughter of the god Anubis. Rules over 3 kingdoms of the underworld, her power is to summon huge tsunami waves with her fan dances.AVATAR 3.0 SDK, PhysBones Unity 2019 avatar by BellaRoXXy and Kriminalwolf♼ X- not suitable for the quest (because it has the severity of polygons)avatars have a system (Dynamic Penetration System for VRChat) To work, you need to purchase here -> https://raliv.gumroad .com/l/lwthuB(the package contains all the shaders and SDKs necessary for work)♡ -There is a system (AudioLink) on the avatar, it works on certain maps in VRChat where the name "audiolink" is mentioned ♡he female avatar has (the opening of the female organ) on the lever♡ - The avatar features the GoGo Loco QoL VRChat systemTouch menu ♡ when the button is turned on (touch the head), particles of hearts come out poses sounds (purr of a cat)♡ when you turn on the button (touch the ass and chest) blush appears on the face and the sound of a slapButton functions removable clothing,removable accessoriescolor change (clothes, hair, accessories) - black whiteAccessories horns, tail, ball for games (pyramids), marker for drawing,tongue, 2 types of whips, staff, fan for dancing,Musical braceletDEVNZR - Strained Love (Официальная премьера трека)Grimes - Shinigami Eyes (Official Video)2WEI - Toxic (Official Britney Spears Epic Cover)CreditZinPia Sugs#9795 (tatto by me)- Body Face - Fxllxng#4398 Saikura#0006(+the front part of the hair (bangs) is my addition -HairBellaRoXXy - my creation (suit, shoes, horns, tail, sleeve) Daeris#8777 - tongue Axphy#7920 - whip Marker-rero#9097 (vrlabs booth pm) dgonlinebr - staffokhyacinth - mask fan - payhip com/Naudine fan particles(breath and smoke on your hands) - raivovfx booth pm/items/4083751 franada#0001 - VRChat QoL Locomotion GoGo Loco Neyko-Nee#1001 -Ball (pyramids) addition from BellaRoXXy and Kriminalwolf- bracelet on hand, trail, touch menuDO NOT submit any of my models to the public.DO NOT upload files for anyone other than yourself.DO NOT split prices for my models if there is a future VRC updatesomething's broken, I don't have to fix it.DO NOT trade / dump / resell any of my packages / assets.DO NOT take assets from my models.DO NOT trade / edit my models for sale.!!!avatar is non-refundable, we can only help you customize it if you find any mistake !!!
Gumroad (avatarbooks.gumroad.com)
She looks absolutely gorgeous!!!!!!