LF Rouge the Bat - VRChat Avatar
if i had money rn i would buy it and give it to everyone
Sad bump
because i hate gatekeepers and hypocrites like @ymmv0 here yall go enjoy
Amy rose
because i hate gatekeepers and hypocrites like @ymmv0 here yall go enjoy
Amy rose
@Athena_kitty Bruh I wasn't being a hypocrite nor did I gatekeep, please look up the definition for gatekeeping
you don't have to be rude either, I wasn't trying to be mean to anyone. I'm sorry if I upset you but I really wasn't trying to be mean. I don't appreciate you calling me that, I've shared plenty of other files on here, including my own bought. just because there's one file I don't want to share doesn't make me a gatekeeper, so please don't be so rude.
@Athena_kitty Bruh I wasn't being a hypocrite nor did I gatekeep, please look up the definition for gatekeeping
you don't have to be rude either, I wasn't trying to be mean to anyone. I'm sorry if I upset you but I really wasn't trying to be mean. I don't appreciate you calling me that, I've shared plenty of other files on here, including my own bought. just because there's one file I don't want to share doesn't make me a gatekeeper, so please don't be so rude.
@ymmv0 i rarerly will share anything i buy or traded with. only small problem is if i buy it someone would buy it first and share it. i just wait
but anyway Here the rouge
@ymmv0 i rarerly will share anything i buy or traded with. only small problem is if i buy it someone would buy it first and share it. i just wait
but anyway Here the rouge
@AsgoreDreemurr and that’s completely fine, that’s usually the way I am as well. I genuinely wasn’t trying to be mean and I feel like I just got hated on for absolutely nothing
they didn’t have to talk to me that way, I appreciate you being more mature. I’ve spent ass loads of money on avatars and leaked them as well, it was literally just this one I didn’t want to