LF: Uruki Asset Mega Thread!
@Lizzie_the_Elf Here's decolored
https://workupload.com/file/a6Djr3xxzku@rabbitsissy thank you so much~
@rabbitsissy thank you so much~
@Lizzie_the_Elf no problem a lil busy but I also bought these two that i will upload soon
[4アバター対応] Autumn shirt - INUKKO - BOOTH
暖かみのある色合いで仕上げたハイウエストシャツコーデです🍂 シーズンを問わず楽しめるお花柄デザインなどもあります🌼 --------------------------------------------------------- ウルキちゃん対応追加!! ウルキちゃんパックは3/4までセール価格です!! 900円 > 600円 --------------------------------------------------------- + 対応アバター + and ST(アンドエスティ)様 【VRC対応3Dアバター】一色 晴(いっしきひより)
「レモンドリップアウトフィット - 2」~Lemon Drip~ Outfit - 2 - Lemon Drip - BOOTH
All translations are done with ChatGPT Cute outfit with shorts and a letterman jacket with retro inspired headphones and Sony bean cassette player Currently only fit to Velle, Shinano and Selestia, set up with Modular avatar and lilToon shaders すべての翻訳はChatGPTで行いました
this is the person who made the SPS prefab, for context. i know this person personally, so i do actually want to see them get at least a few more bucks out of their assets.also you can usually buy their things for like, a buck, so.
@LocalBozo gottchu! i'll make a note. thanks for lettin me know!
Autumn shirt - https://workupload.com/file/jJtpm5zurdh
Lemon Drip - https://workupload.com/file/a7pySfasQrL -
Autumn shirt - https://workupload.com/file/jJtpm5zurdh
Lemon Drip - https://workupload.com/file/a7pySfasQrL@rabbitsissy added~! thank you so much~!!
@rabbitsissy added~! thank you so much~!!
@Lizzie_the_Elf no problem upvotes appreciated I'll see what more i can do later
If anyone has this, I'd be very grateful.
https://booth.pm/en/items/6607106@TokeiNeko bumping for the freckles!!!
@Lizzie_the_Elf velles ToeMotion works on Uruki btw
Freckles - https://workupload.com/file/xSxhu8zcyUn
bless u.u
If anyone has the Uruki SPS, please DM me! || Already done, thank you!
These outfit looks nice! -
this outfit plzzz -
If anyone has this, I'd be very grateful