Full or for Chiffon&Lime or Shinano![alt text]
Hope someone have this outfit! -
bump shinano
bump selestia
@Essera6000 @bakuganharry123 @mewmew290 @loudretailer
Link is in this thread here: https://forum.ripper.store/topic/46320/gift-セール中-14avatars-/18?=1741898837292What bugs me, though, is when I downloaded it the materials aren't included. ;v; Just the fbx and prefab.
Wtf, ended up buying the pack because I needed the materials just for the creator to not provide any materials despite stating in the description a material pack would be included.
Wtf, ended up buying the pack because I needed the materials just for the creator to not provide any materials despite stating in the description a material pack would be included.
@LambPrince shit im sorry thats so obnoxious
@LambPrince shit im sorry thats so obnoxious
@loudretailer I hate when they do that shit. Now I have to hope they actually pay attention to their messages on booth smh
@LambPrince shit im sorry thats so obnoxious
@loudretailer Nevermind, apparently I am just blind because there is a material folder and now I feel like an asshole. Idk if I also missed it in the post I linked to you guys so I would double check.