FOUND : オリジナル3Dモデル「ウルキ・Uruki」Thanks to Sam Dreemurr
hope it doesnt take long for facetracking to be released for this
i spoke too soon -
Currently uploading all her files to a new google account it'll take like 20 mins
Currently uploading all her files to a new google account it'll take like 20 mins
@Sam-Dreemurr GOATed
@Sam-Dreemurr Thank you a million sam! Smooches!
Is anyone else having issues with the bat? Mine doesn't sync properly and the sound doesn't work.
@faux-news i didn't even know there was a sound so maybe i having the same problem.
someone needs to get into contact with pink because the weight painting is awful on the transition from the thighs to hips, it is actually something that would kill the model, also not to mention the wrists as well, weighting is just kinda fucking ass on this avatar but its a really pretty base so i dont wanna see it die out
someone needs to get into contact with pink because the weight painting is awful on the transition from the thighs to hips, it is actually something that would kill the model, also not to mention the wrists as well, weighting is just kinda fucking ass on this avatar but its a really pretty base so i dont wanna see it die out
@junk80135 he won't bother to update the weight painting sadly
someone needs to get into contact with pink because the weight painting is awful on the transition from the thighs to hips, it is actually something that would kill the model, also not to mention the wrists as well, weighting is just kinda fucking ass on this avatar but its a really pretty base so i dont wanna see it die out
@junk80135 i saw someone tag him in a post on twitter complaining about this, so i guess there is a little bit of hope that gets fixed... stomach also crunches SO badly, its such a dealbreaker