LF: Milltina (Model Found !) & Assets [NOT UPDATING AGAIN]
♥ミルティナちゃん用♥🧡Love Chocolate💝 - #バッこみゅ - BOOTH
去年作ったチョコをリメイクしてミルティナちゃんに対応してみました!布を使用してないので衣装ではなく食品の3Dモデルとして送ってみるのもありだと思います。 エロ布と呼ばれることもないと思います。布使ってないので。 シェイプキー[(No bra) Breasts_Cow] ▶ 100 にのみ対応してます。 つまり最大サイズの牛さんだけに対応してるってコトです。 他の人に迷惑をかけない程度に楽しんで使ってください。 わかってるとは思いますがPublicで着用するのはやめようね。見せるならプラベでね! ◇◆↓ミルティナちゃんはこちら↓みんなも買おうね!ギフトにもぴったり!◆◇
hide_Reverse Sailor. - mina's works. - BOOTH
❖hide_Reverse Sailor.❖ 逆セーラーって聞いたことないなぁ、見たいなぁって出来上がった一着。 地味に弊ショップにてかつてない10+1体(+α)対応となっております☆
@nonpareils Hello! Thank you so much :3
Sps DL doesn't work! can you fix it, please? Thank you! -
【7アバター対応】Cyberpunk-Body Tex+Material♥ - No.39 - BOOTH
❤必ず一読されてからのご購入検討をお願い致します!(特に注意点) ❤使用シェーダー liltoon shader https://booth.pm/ja/items/3087170 ❤内容物: ♡Cyberpunk Texture(PNG) x2 ♡Material x4 ♡Matcap Texture(PNG) x4 ♡Mask+Emi Texture(PNG) x4 ♡Normal Map(PNG) x1 ♡How to use(PNG)x1 このテクスチャは四種の光りの素材を含まれています。 BGMによる光モード、流れる光モード、点滅光モード、常に光モード。
7: https://workupload.com/archive/FvWUD6qe4j
15: https://workupload.com/archive/E73YQzMqN4
for Milltina 1.01.1 Updated version
and please update 14, 27 new version has been updated on booth thank you -
kawaii punk not listed
https://rabbit-luvit.booth.pm/items/6442489Clumsy nurse not listed
https://workupload.com/file/mnyBp2rapmT27 City noir
https://workupload.com/file/H52drSLehMP43 danzai sailor
https://workupload.com/file/RzUptefS5t2thats it from me until i see more participation on uploads. I'm seeing a lot of chronic bumpers starting to flock this thread
@TheReGodfather sorry for ping!
13 (Milltina 4 Cloth set), 27 (City Noir) has been updated so I hope you update that thank you so much!
also I bought 7, 15 and add DL link so take that if you need -
add this please!
bump for full -
I'm sorry I've been away for the last 3 days, but I came back and edited the post!
@TheReGodfather sorry for ping!
13 (Milltina 4 Cloth set), 27 (City Noir) has been updated so I hope you update that thank you so much!
also I bought 7, 15 and add DL link so take that if you need13 updated 4cow
https://workupload.com/file/aW4c28Lez4j27 city noir updated
@nonpareils Thank you!
The problem was that once I click the DL link it appeared that there wasn't a file to download! thank's for fixing it :3
can be add this cloth? https://maple-lifestyle.booth.pm/items/5629280
13 updated 4cow
https://workupload.com/file/aW4c28Lez4j27 city noir updated
@TheReGodfather thank you so much!
It seems that the texture of No.39 has been updated. Could you please update?
https://x.com/39no10/status/1889604995659481194?s=46&t=_rK6VVl-LrikaTuc6YzXhA -
5 : https://workupload.com/archive/sr8vnNTjPh New Milltina ver here!
If someone has 14 (Night in Shanghai), update please! thank you~ -
@yus_01 Milltina only 11: https://pixeldrain.com/u/1Zte7JJx
@SolaireParker There's only texture in the zip flie, can you reput the clothes file after the clothes have a update ver? Thank you!