LF: 【複数アバター対応】もにゃもにゃジャケット2 - [Supports multiple avatars] Fluffy Jacket 2 - Monya - for Selestia
Has anyone purchased the new outfit by Monya for Selestia and is willing to share?
Thank you so much!【複数アバター対応】もにゃもにゃジャケット2 - もにゃ図書委員会 - BOOTH
ジャケット+水着が大好きなので作りました!! サングラスと刀も付いてきます!!
shinano bump
full set bump!
here's the komado (chiffon, lime, chocolat) version and materials included if anyone is looking for them -
bump shinano
bump shinano
bump manuka
bump for shinano