GIFT : 🛸【ALIEN INVASION】👽 | エイリアンの侵略【4アバター avatars】Airi Outfit- Airi,Shinano,Selestia,Manuka,Velle Textures + Alien Parts
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bump shinano
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bump shinano
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bump selestia
bump selestia
bump for velle :3
bump for selestia
@TokeiNeko yeah i don't own milltina one saddly
@TokeiNeko yeah i don't own milltina one saddly
@Donut but it'll be on sale. Maybe someone will get it. And you can see if it's updated on the textures /parts to see if they got updated since you got those parts.
@TokeiNeko i got alien parts for allbut you can fit any
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