Portable Dice System for VRChat Avatars
Hi, looking for the Portable Dice System for VRChat Avatars if anyone has it
Portable Dice System for VRChat Avatars
The Portable Dice System is an asset for VRChat that allows you to pull out an interactive dice-based question game on your avatar to let you and your friends roll and answer "Get to Know your Friends Better"-style questions! Bring it to any occasion!Want to try out the dice system? I have a Public Demo Avatar set up! Each question list has been written to provide the best range of questions that anyone can talk about, and provides a great way to break into topical conversation and get to know those around you better!The Portable Dice System also works on Quest so everyone can participate! All you need to do is grab, shake, and throw to roll for your question!This asset comes with four (4) lists of questions with over a hundred (128) questions each!And! You can make your own question list with a tool and guide provided to customize and share!Installation is easy! VRCFury makes it a simple drag and drop for any avatar! Once installed and you've dragged/dropped your question lists you can enable the dice in your menu, move the dice to where you want, and then grab and roll!You can pick and choose the questions that you include. Each question list has its own sub-prefab that can be easily added or removed to create your own setup!There are many ways to play: Questions can be chosen randomly in a linear sequence like other "Get to Know your Friends Better" gamesD6 or D12 options for varried randomness! Questions can be selected at complete random Questions can be chosen one by one! This asset is optimized using an 2048px texture atlas to hold all questions in a single list. Triangles: 586 Skinned Mesh: 1 Physbone Components: 2 Particle Systems: 4 (2 on Quest) 19 synced parameter bytes +1 for each question list Note: One VRChat limitation is that desktop/mobile phone users cannot grab Physbones. This means they cannot grab and roll the die, but they can see and participate just fine.
Gumroad (wuffwick.gumroad.com)