GIFT: paws by yami
@babi real tbh, i dont understand how you STILL manage to get caught 3 times and still going, kind of embarassing. I also had a question, I seen from a previous forum that u were able to rip avis n stuff soo i was wondering heheh winkwink nudge nudge if you'd rip one for me ;3;3;3;3??!!!!
if anyone knows more avatars like this please lmk or avatars simillar to soras
is it broken for anyone else? D; for me i got so many errors and it would just abort upon uploading. maybe my proj was broken?? pls helpps (nevermind i fixed it)
@swuspect.z Could u tell me how u fix it plz
@swuspect.z what do you mean by modular avatar? i'm having the same issue you were having..
@massikkii. i imported modular avatar is hopes of adding a new outfit to the avi. i removed the modular avatar tool then the avi worked for me. try importing vrcfury see if that fixed the avi for you
@swuspect.z i did all of that and im still having issues with it
@massikkii. if u really want it i can probably upload it for you but unfortunately i charge for uploads ;(
hello, just commenting to say that the avi is public again !