Searching for this Marina avatar from Calie Chipy
Judging by the avatar looks, it looks like a KM variant of Marina that they ported to vrchat, i have a similar version but the zipper top is different that whats showing in the picture in fbx and pmx formats if you want it.
Judging by the avatar looks, it looks like a KM variant of Marina that they ported to vrchat, i have a similar version but the zipper top is different that whats showing in the picture in fbx and pmx formats if you want it.
@KemonoFriend1260 Go ahead and link it
- Might not fully match up to the one in the picture but better than nothing i suppose.
Not all of their stuff is, only some of them of it is since i've seen they had different kinds of models
- Might not fully match up to the one in the picture but better than nothing i suppose.
@KemonoFriend1260 how exactly do you upload this?
It needs to be setup in unity since there is a FBX in the folder, i would setup it but i am busy with other projects atm
Does anyone have a version of it already set up?