LF: lime's clean makeup + strawberry jelly tongue texture
✿ライムちゃんスッキリメーキャップ+イチゴゼリー舌テクスチャ✿ / lime's clean makeup + strawberry jelly tongue texture - xawa - BOOTH
❣ ~12月5日までセール ❣ 400->200 700->350 オリジナル3Dモデル[ライム] https://komado.booth.pm/items/4876459 ※Precautions※ If you bought a traditional Chiffon tongue texture, don't buy it twice Please get the texture for lime from the link here at ☞ https://xawa.booth.pm/items/5430245 ※주의사항※ 기존의 시폰 혀 텍스쳐를 구매하셨던 분들은 이중