LF: Marycia Assets
Here's the 8 hole boots as well as some other assets I've bought for Marycia
https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ii4d-rVBJLZQn4xQiAtDvTW-h_jNaFKZ?usp=sharing@Mubmellow is a re up possible with actual unitypackages ? because the link you send got some weird arch temp folders
@Mubmellow is a re up possible with actual unitypackages ? because the link you send got some weird arch temp folders
@Mubmellow is a re up possible with actual unitypackages ? because the link you send got some weird arch temp folders
@Mubmellow didn't tried yet
@DerpDerp Thank you! Honestly I may just buy the base to share at this point. I’ll ping you if I do
@DerpDerp I think this is the right verison, should be under whitehair and brown hair marycia, if yall need the user edit version let me know lol
@DerpDerp I think this is the right verison, should be under whitehair and brown hair marycia, if yall need the user edit version let me know lol
@mytix TY! do you have psds?
@DerpDerp I think this is the right verison, should be under whitehair and brown hair marycia, if yall need the user edit version let me know lol
here is the pixeldrain if the google drive link isnt working: https://pixeldrain.com/u/vPJd8cjW
@mytix Thank you for your consideration.
Official Description,"Texture folder has been modified and changed.
Edit ∟ files (clip, psd)”so perhaps you can download the zip of the avatar itself and the zip of the psd separately.
Sorry if I am wrong.
@DerpDerp I think this is the right verison, should be under whitehair and brown hair marycia, if yall need the user edit version let me know lol
Does anyone know the password for the necklace that was handed out in the group? -
Does anyone know the password for the necklace that was handed out in the group?